Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Ms. Husky Voice

The period of real testing came when my voice disappeared overnight! It was fine on Wednesday and then, by Thursday morning...Wham! Gone!...and I could only croak like a frog (or worse?). It was a rather strange phenomenon because I didn't have a sore throat or flu then. At first, I thought it was only a temporary setback and I would regain my voice soon enough. But as days...then weeks wore on...I was seriously wondering whether it's actually permanent change to being Ms. Husky Voice??!!
Besides being handy while making prank calls to friends, there's really nothing very good about having a husky voice. Some people say it's sexy...hmmm...I doubt they'll call it that if they are the ones going through the agony?? I eventually ended up drowning my sorrows with tons of "liang cha", honey lemon, coconut juice, water chestnut...but at last!...all that failed to revive my voice. It was probably...very likely...conclusively sabotaged by the junk food that remained part of my staple diet...ha ha ha!
So after being in this sad and sorry state for TWO months, all I can say is...Thank God the ordeal is finally over! And I hope NEVER to lose my voice this badly again...


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