Thursday, November 08, 2007

Pimples Apparate!

Episode 1:
*Haiz*..the whole saga start in November 2006..We sat next to a French window (indoors with air-conditioning) for a 4-hour meeting and on that very same night, I rushed to A&E with throbbing eye-pain. I discovered then, that post-LASIK cornea can get 'sun-burnt'?!! I was given antibiotics eye-drops, eye-gel, eye-drops, and some hydrocortisone and moisturising cream to apply on my face. Then in December, I noticed a crusty red patch at the right side of my nose and saw the GP. He diagnosed it as Ezcema and gave me some Combiderm.
Episode 2:
But after 6 months, the problem hadn't resolved. In fact, it was spreading around the other side of my nose and around the mouth as well..*Faint*!!! So this time, I saw another doctor who prescribed Neoderm because the red patches turned out to be fungus instead..*Gosh*..How in the world did it get there? I thought fungal parasites only grew in dark, dank, muddy places like the swamp?? Eeeeeewwww...
Episode 3:
Then last October, large pimples started popping out around the temples..spread quickly to the forehead and spots appeared on my cheeks. What could have caused it? They left even the doctor flabbergasted..maybe it was triggered by the new leave-on hair conditioner? Some allergic reaction to peanut or msg in the food? Too much caffeine? Not enough sleep? Stress at work? Over-screaming at the boys? Thus, began the Tea Tree Oil regime which included the cleanser, toner and a good measure of Oxy10. The doctor also prescribed 'Augmentin' which seemed to solve the problem but..Alas! Only temporarily...
Episode 4:
It came back with a vengence and so I was given another antibiotic called 'Doxycap' which was supposed to effectively kill acne-causing bacteria. Admittedly, I was very reluctant to start on this 1-month course..but hey, my face is my small fortune. But after only ONE welts broke out all over my face..forehead, cheeks, chin and even neck..HIVES!!! Of ALL the antibiotics I've taken in my entire life, I had to be allergic to THIS one??? So, now I have to take anti-histamines to counteract my sensitive skin's reaction..AARRGGHH!!!
This unfortunate incident made me feel like I'm watching a never-ending, very badly scripted and directed drama series. I would probably blame it on that French window if I could..and not my ignorance for sitting there so long without any so-called protection (e.g. sun-block lotion). I've certainly learnt my lesson and would brave looking like a gundu wearing a hat and sun glasses INDOORS, the next time I sat near a French window (if there was ever one). I hope this would eventually turn out to have a happy ending..unlike the many Korean dramas I've seen??? Ha ha ha...
(to be continued...)


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