Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Can't Stop Praising His Name...(JUMP 2007)

Our church anniversary service was held at Downtown East this year, followed by the JUMP conference and concert highlight. The Hope Bangkok worship team was specially invited over to minister and bless us with their presence and music. We also had the honour of hosting Oliver, Andy and John (descending order of age) in our home :0)
Ps. Prayuth...ever dynamic and energetic (despite being 56 years old)
Chin...lively and funny in her translations
Tony...groovy baby! (Ron Kenoly style)
Maria...wowed us with her soulful voice (Cantonese saying: NO BLOCK!!!)
Nathan...left us speechless whilst the keyboard spoke volumes
Simon...still drumming faithfully for Jesus after all these years
Oliver...the sanguine and self-taught pianist
John...melted not only hearts but also inspired worshipful spirit with the saxophone
Andy...quiet until you give him a guitar
...and all the rest of the skillful musicians...YOU ROCK!!!
So what did I learn this time around? God impressed upon me...that I should desire the spirit of humility. More often than not, we ask Him for great anointing and gifts...like prophecy, healing, leadership, musicality. But men like Moses...David...Daniel (besides Jesus of course) and many others whom God chose to fulfill his work on planet earth, were also very much 'meek and humble in spirit'.
On a funnier note...during the vocalist worskshop, Shirley claimed I was her 'teacher' back in the old days. Hmmm...honestly, I have only a vague recollection of some sort of support singers training at BBHQ??? And THIS subsequently led to what was probably one of the most embarrassing moments of my life...standing in front of the whole group of people and asked to 'sing' spontaenous. Eh...mucking around backstage is DIFFERENT ok? Yen Yen said I blushed...which meant it was genuine...not keh keh pai se! Ha ha ha ha...


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