Cloud and Fire

Numbers 9:15-23
Isn't this passage of Scripture amazing? 3 million people moving about the desert following a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night. Stopping and starting anytime...anyday...anywhere...truly a logistic nightmare! I wonder what happened to those who lagged behind because they overslept or were too just tired to move along with the rest of the crowd? What will they miss out on?
God's Providence:
They will need to find their own food since Manna from heaven is only supplied to those in the camp vicinity. The peril of starvation to death is always imminent. Manna is daily food for the people and left-overs can't be eaten or stored up. Our relationship with God must be fresh and new every morning. He will sustain us each new day.
They will need to find their own food since Manna from heaven is only supplied to those in the camp vicinity. The peril of starvation to death is always imminent. Manna is daily food for the people and left-overs can't be eaten or stored up. Our relationship with God must be fresh and new every morning. He will sustain us each new day.
God's Protection:
The pillar of cloud buffered the harsh desert sun during the day and the fire column provided warmth when night fell. I guess that was probably as good as it got to moderating extreme temperatures in the wilderness. Often, we go through yo-yo cycles in life because we exposed ourselves to the winds of temptation, storms of indulgence and heat of anger.
God's Presence:
In order to experience the glory of the Lord, we can't move ahead of God nor trail behind. We have to be exactly where God is. It's very easy for us to rush around, trying to get things done asap and forget to include God in the picture. Sometimes God lingers (few days, months or a year) and sometimes He moves pretty quickly (less than a day). We just have to be prepared and ready to up and go with Him, even though it's inconvenient (night time).
May I never stray away from His 'camp' and I pray that all my family will keep our eyes focused on the pillar of cloud and fire, and follow where He leads! Amen...
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