Friday, November 23, 2007

Fattened Calves for Christmas!'s diet time again..*sigh*..But this is an unavoidable vicious cycle cos you just have to eat all the scrumptious food here (especially the cheese, pizza, pasta, Vietnamese rice noodles and spring rolls) if you fly all the way across the ocean to this continent!
Visited Hope Melbourne on Sunday (caught up with Paul, Peng Leong, Boey Wan, Yew Sze, Poh Choo, Daniel, Michelle) and had lunch with June, Danny, Yew Sze & Poh Choo..whose house has a lovely, big garden..with rose bushes, camelia and, fig, lemon and plum trees..and vegetables like lettuce, tomato, spring onion, pumpkin, chilli etc. One thing for sure, they won't go hungry even if the supermarkets went on strike? Ha ha...
Anyway, we brought back a lot more toys and presents than we went with, which totally dashed my initial optimism that we were gonna travel lighter on the way home. Once again, the thought of migration (and no NS for the boys), will linger on for a while..before we settle down to the busy pace of life in Singapore as usual. Lastly, I don't fancy eating another strawberry anytime soon..but maybe one cherry or two...


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