Melbourne (Day 3)

It's Sunday.. we visited the Ormond Anglican Church and it was an interesting worship service to have Reuben Morgan's 'Faith' and 'Days Of Elijah' played by 5 violins (one of whom was Julianna, my niece), a piano and a guitar.. 'All The Heavens' sounded really beautiful.. and everyone participated in the Calypso Carol by taking up the castanets and maracas. A couple of folks went up spontaneously to testify God's goodness in their lives.. which reminded me of the old 'Hope' days. They also included a children learning segment (read the Bible in a tribal tongue) and Q&A session with the congregation (Pharaoh and King Herod both killed all the male babies and the innocent in order to hold on to their throne).

On the way to Yum Cha with Uncle Peter and Aunty Ivy, we went into the local bookstore to escape from the cold wind.. and I found THE Little Red Book for Jared.. The Official Manchester United Book Of Facts And Figures! He promptly sat down to diligently memorise the pages.. so that became his Christmas present.. oh well.. it's one less present to think of buying. Then, it's back home to a game of football in the backyard.. Halo 3.. and Kinect.. AGAIN!

Later in the evening, we settled down to dinner Uncle Peter's famous home-made noodles.. chilli and fried chicken wings.. the fantastic taste (which is better than KFC in my opinion) was gained with only salt (and a pinch of pepper) marinade and slowly deep fried in a red hot wok.. TWICE!!! BURP!
And I got to attend Juls' lovely year end dance concert!
you gotta blog that one cos we weren't there
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