Made In The Image Of?

When we were growing up under the same roof, my mum used get our names mixed up. She would randomly call out... Alisooon... Meeeng (that's my Chinese name)... Yeeeaan... Donny (no, I don't have a brother...that was our family dog), probably knowing one of them would be right?! We found that habit very irritating indeed, especially when we came running downstairs to discover mum standing at the gate and was actually addressing the dog!
So, I swore I would never subject my kids to the same treatment. I kept that promise until 2005 (it was fine for the first 3.5 years with only Justin, and then another 3 years when Jared was too young to cause serious mischief)...the unthinkable happened! I went "JUSTIN CHANG!!!" which he indignantly replied, "It's not me LAH!"...then I screamed "JARED CHANG!!!" (notice the common trend of mothers using the children's full name on occasions such as these?).
The conclusion of the matter is... we do inherit our parents' characteristics and hopefully, not too many oddities. But the good news is that God first made us in His image...designed to worship and have fellowship with Him. Although we have fallen from that initial perfection, Jesus' sacrifice on the cross has restored us positionally. Now, we're a work of art in progress...a masterpiece to be revealed at the end...Amen!
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