Thursday, May 28, 2009

Are Nursery Rhymes Obsolete in the 21st Century?

It all started when Jared had to answer this question in an English exam paper:
How did Georgie Porgie make the the girls cry? His pragmatic answer: He hit them.. (BUZZzzz!).. WRONG ANSWER!!!

Jared: Who is Georgie Porgie? How come he kissed the girls? Why did the girls cry?
Me: He is a naughty boy who likes to bully girls
Jared: What's pudding and pie?
Me: Something you can eat.. Do know about Little Miss Muffet?
Jared: No.. and I don't think I want to!
Me: What's curds and whey?
Jared: Like porridge?
Me: Yeah.. I think it's like soy bean curd.. (laughs)
Jared: What's a tuffet?
Me: Errr.. I don't know (I later did a search.. Wikipeadia says it's a 'low seat or footstool')
Jared: She's scared of spiders ah?
Me: Yeah.. just like you..


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