Thursday, September 07, 2006

Lego Mania...of Sorts...

While growing up, my sisters and I had hours of fun with Lego. We built town houses, candy stores, schools with playgrounds, carnivals...and would then re-enact scenes from daily life using the cute and tiny Lego folks (real fans will know what I mean). Recently, we were back in KL and had the rare opportunity of playing Lego together as whole family. It was funny, frustrating, exhausting and satisfying at the same time!
We were supposed to build a house...Jimmy took one portion and I did another...but we kept dismantling and changing each other's handy-work, deeming it as 'weird' or incongruent with the overall concept and design (not that there was a blue print in the first place). The kitchen space was too small, the colours didn't match and he insisted on hacking down the bathroom wall to put in a tiny shower cubicle...but let's be real here...there are limited number of $blocks$! (I ernestly recommend every couple go through this exercise before considering buying or renovating their own home...taste and preferences's always the $budget$ concern).
However, my boys take quite a different perspective of this incredibly versatile toy. They are more into racing cars, mimicking crashes on the track, chomping people's heads and legs off with the T-Rex and having Raptors chew the guts out...URRRGGGHHH!!! Boys are indeed from Mars *sigh*...where is my 'Venus'??? Happily, Justin will compromise and play 'house' with me at times...when under 'serious threat'...ha ha ha!


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