Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Broken Toe???

Wed 9:15am..arrived at work with such enthusiasm after CNY (dripping with sarcasm)..that as I burst through the left little toe got caught underneath and the door slammed right on it..OW OW OW!!! Aduh sakit nya!!! Definitely not a very good start to the day :0(

I ignored it at first..but after about an little toe started throbbing and when I looked was bruised, swollen and turning a dark purple..ARRGGHH!!! So in this case, it was a bit like "physician heal thyself"..I put an ice-pack on it to reduce pain and bring down the swelling. Later, I "buddy" taped it to 4th toe using Coban..and that got me through the rest of the day.

But after work, the usual 10 mins walk to my car took an agonising 20 mins!!! Well, at least I had a car..otherwise, I would have had to take a cab home. Hopefully, it's not a fracture but it does mean I will have to wear slippers and hobble around for some time..not a very graceful image I must say..ha ha ha!!!


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