God Knows Your Every Need...
'YEAH rrright..' I was certainly guilty of such a response to the cliche.. before I came to understand the true 'Father' heart of God. But through the years.. as I mature in my Christian walk.. I've come to realise that HE DOES know my every thought.. every need.. no matter how small or insignificant.. that it's almost scary at times! I've listed the more tangible ones:
- Winning prize of AUD$1500 for being the best foreign student in Occupational Therapy that year. Firstly, why did they choose such as obscure course? And secondly, I knew of my classmates who out-performed me during the exams.. so how could I have won? Personally, I think God made the computer go hay-wire and it 'accidentally' spewed out my name.. ha ha! That paid for my plane ticket home.

- Receiving two leather cord necklaces as presents.. one with a crystal flower pendant and the other with a pearl shell.. EXACTLY what I wanted!
- 'Hmmm.. I think I need one of those make-up brushes to apply the loose powder properly?'.. and VOILA! Mabel gave me a whole KIT for Christmas.
- 'Should I buy Jimmy a new watch?'.. he got one from Wan Leng

- A bag organiser from one of my clients
- A 3-shade blusher
- A coin purse from Jullie
- Curling and lengthening mascara from Lay Choo
And many many more to come.. I hope???
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