Saturday, March 08, 2008

Basic Doctrine 101..(on heavenly food & directions)

Here are some very 'cute' questions and comments posted by Jared on heavenly issues.. usually when we're in the car...

J: Mummy, is there food in heaven?
M: Yes, I think so...
J: What kind of food?
M: Hmmm...fruits and vegetables?
J: AHHHH??? You mean there is NO chicken nuggets?
M: Ha ha ha..I don't think there's McDonald's in heaven
J: Will Jesus cook for us?
M: Er...I think he will just make the food appear
J: You mean like magic?
M: Yeah...kinda
J: Will Jesus scold us if we don't finish our food?
M: Ha ha don't think so. Jesus is not like mummy...
J: (Very much relieved)..Oh..that's good!

J: Mummy, when we die how do we get to heaven?
M: Jesus will send His angels to take us there
J: How long does that take?
M: I don't know baby..I haven't been there before
J: neither...


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