Christmas 2006 at Kallang Theatre!

It's amazing now time had flown by and we'd finally arrived at Kallang Theatre for Christmas 2006. I don't recollect being involved in the praise & worship for past 10 years, therefore, this was like a real treat and bonus for me. The team was awesome...we had synergy from working together during church anniversary and corporate prayer meeting. I felt really blessed to be part of the entire production, to draw more souls into the Kingdom of God. Of course, it was also a great opportunity to focus on others and be of 'good cheer', after all the months of preceeding trials.and tribulations. And my colleague finally came to church after 4 long years of 'face' was worth something after all? Ha ha...
I had a bit of chat with Kin Wee backstage and he said this will probably be his last performance. Wow...the end of an era? I recall seeing his first interpretive movement to 'Holy Spirit Touch Me From Above' as Willie and I sang that song. The most memorable for me was the Christmas at Jalan Sultan Theatre where he 'danced' to each recital of all 66 books of the Bible...which drew many gasps of oooos and ahhhhhs from the audience...especially when he spun from upright to sitting position as 'Modecai' from the book of Esther!!!
I had a bit of chat with Kin Wee backstage and he said this will probably be his last performance. Wow...the end of an era? I recall seeing his first interpretive movement to 'Holy Spirit Touch Me From Above' as Willie and I sang that song. The most memorable for me was the Christmas at Jalan Sultan Theatre where he 'danced' to each recital of all 66 books of the Bible...which drew many gasps of oooos and ahhhhhs from the audience...especially when he spun from upright to sitting position as 'Modecai' from the book of Esther!!!
So we had life-size giraffes, zebras, lions and prancing gazelles across the stage, budding trees and squirming 'fish', adam and eve, and topped it all off with an 'angelic' choir (without the wings..ha ha!) depict God's creation in Genesis. It's the best Christmas production ever! To God be the glory!