Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Wet Sense of Humour?

Jared and I usually have our little chats during the drive to school in the morning and it was no different today. I reminded him of Chinese tuition at 3pm and he grumbled.. 'Why didn't you tell me earlier? I haven't done Ma Lao Shi's homework..' my maid obviously forgot to pass on the important message. Then we switched topic to his new Geronimo Stilton books...

Jared: Why do you spend so much money and keep buying GS books? I bet you haven't even READ any of them?

Me: I read Karate Mouse
Jared: You did??! Mr. Han (aka GS' Karate instructor) is very funny right? Serious face.. happy face.. angry face.. (identical expression depicted in the drawings)
Me: Yeah.. the writer has a dry sense of humour

Jared: Mummy, do I have high humour?
Me: Huh???
Jared: What's humour?

Me: Something that's funny.. it makes you laugh..

Jared: Do I have wet humour?

Me: (Laughing).. NOOooo, you have DRY humour.. Quick! Get off now or you'll be late for school!


When Justin finally brought home his band uniform.. it looked pretty ugly on its own.. the tie wasn't half bad-looking (mostly black with stripes).. but the blazer was bright TURQUOISE!!! And so, he was all prepared for his first concert performance.. his designated percussion instruments included the chimes.. cow bell.. and the glockenspiel (aka the xylophone-looking thingy). Fortunately, his effervescence godmother, Auntie Jo-Jo didn't bring on a full cheer-leading squad with emblazoned banners and Turquoise pom-poms.. as threatened earlier.

We sat in the front row.. to the left side of the stage where the percussions were.. but ALAS! Justin was mostly blocked by the tall chimes. I guess it was probably a blessing in disguise in the end cos it helped reduce his nerves? When asked why he was so 'stiff' during the performance.. he denied having butterflies or being unduly stressed.. said he had stomach pain and felt like vomiting instead.. and blamed it on something he ate during dinner!!! Ha ha ha... welcome to the Stage-Fright Club son! It sure brought back some fond and not-so-fond memories.. piano exams.. dance recitals.. drama.. choir.. solos...