Completed 10 vocal lessons with Babes first class since those torturous years of learning piano (from Grade 1 to 8). It has been quite an interesting experience and hopefully, my skills have improved a wee bit by now. A few tips to remember:
1. Know your range and choose songs that suit your voice
2. Practice vocal drills and warm-ups
3. Visualise the pitching..'It's in your face..not the throat!"'
4. the right places..and get enough air
5. Mark the song..prepare yourself to hit high notes
6. Feel the song..what is it saying? What kind of song is it? (I..You..We..They.. Story..Statement..Angst)
Good thing is..I don't think I will performing secular songs anywhere or anytime soon in the all the songs I will be singing for now are 'Jesus' songs..ha ha...Phew! But it still boils down to faithfully running through scales and appegios.. So..Do..La..Fa..Mi..Do..Re So..Do..La..Ti..Do..Re..Do...(imaginary vibrato)...