"Hairy Business"
I was fascinated by Hollywood's version of Samson and Delilah when I first saw it at the movies (after Ten Commandments, I guess the suspense and romance in this one must have hit the roof?). The Bible's (and authentic) version, however, brought more questions to mind than answers:
1. Was Samson allowed to be involved with prostitutes and women from the enemy camp?
2. Was it alright to take 'revenge' or vent your anger on someone else? (30 men were killed for their clothes)
3. Were his parents over-indulgent towards their only son? (his mother was barren prior to that)
In spite of the above, Samson was still Israel's judge and God's power did not leave him..until his hair got chopped off! Does that mean there is a so-called 'cut-off' point for each one of us? When will God's anointing and favour no longer be with us? How much playing field do we have before we step out of the boundaries to the point of 'no-return'?
But one thing for sure, 'nagging' seemed to work for Delilah...ha ha ha! So all women folks, please take home this important lesson. However, a word of caution: Only use this tactic IF and only IF all else fails (which is very often).