Cake and Black Onyx Bash...

So.. it's that once in a lifetime event again.. another year older and hopefully wiser too.. ha ha! Didn't do much good for my so-called diet plan though.. a fair bit of cake-overdose especially with TWO birthdays so close together. The whole celebration started on Friday with Jared's birthday at care group (he's 7 this year). We bought him a Secret Recipe classic cheesecake.. creamy top layer and chocolate cheese underneath.. YUMMY! Then on Saturday it was pizza and KFC galore.. I could literally feel the calories coursing through my veins! Cham lah...

Then today.. the care group surprised me with Swiss baked chocolate cake.. and after a very rousing 'Happy Birthday' song at the food court.. we blew out the 11 candles.. cos the cake couldn't fit all 38 of them.. ha ha! Thus, as more pounds piled on.. I went to the salon to have a hair cut.. in the hope of shedding a few grams??? Hey, desperate times call for desperate measures mah.. And to top it all off.. we had Swensen's ice-cream cake for dessert after dinner at Sakae Sushi.. I will need to undergo serious prayer and fasting for the next few weeks man!!!
This year's 'cool' gifts include.. Lego Exoforce and Coastal Guard Ship/Lighthouse set for Jared and a black onyx pendant (finally.. another piece of jewellery other than the wedding ring from Jimmy!).. a black onyx flower design ring.. a pearl and black onyx bracelet.. two blouses and a Paul Baloche CD for me. Thanks for making our birthdays memorable :0)