This Is it! Michael Jackson's Legacy

It was nothing but the best for MJ that it almost appeared that cost wasn't a concern.. the new Thriller video was absolutely 'thrilling' with more realistic-looking zombies and ghouls.. we see MJ emerging from a gigantic mechanical spider, being elevated on to a ramp and disappearing into the night.. that running fire as a backdrop.. and not to mention the spectacular view of the bulldozer on stage with its jaws suspended open behind MJ for Earth Song!
A man who was encouraging.. It's all for love, God bless you, It's your time to shine.. A man who was gentle and controlled.. even when he was obviously bothered by the aviom feedback, he didn't blow his top. So, despite his idiosyncrachies, I do admire the man for his passion and love for music and all things beautiful.. As the movie credits rolled, I couldn't help but wonder if we would have had the privilege of catching a glimpse of these behind-the-scene footages if MJ were still alive.. and walked out of the cinema with a tinge a sadness...