A Mother Is...
.. someone has given up wearing white for practical reasons.. unless it's milky white.. in which case may stand a chance of blending in with puke colour..
.. also know as the leftover queen.. who dutifully finishes up the children's food.. no matter how bland.. pulpy.. or disgusting it looks..
.. the 'bag' lady.. with all the necessary stuff like diapers.. bottles.. snacks.. portable fan.. jurassic park or animal farm (I'm referring to the plastic toy and not the book).. cars.. trucks.. transformers.. and more recent additions.. the iPad and iPhone..
.. a walking dictionary until it dawns on them that you really don't know that much.. and google or wikipedia take precedence
.. a night nurse.. make shift doctor (who is equally knowledgeable both Eastern and Western medicine).. and masseuse or back scratcher
.. the obvious laundromat.. gardener.. cook.. and cleaner.. unless you have a domestic helper
.. last but not least.. a giver of unlimited hugs and kisses!