Sisterly Love

Alison (Dai Kah Che):
It amazed me how other people could have mistaken us for twins? Being 1 year my senior, I guess we were about the same height, but with very different built and facial features. I admire her independence and boldness, her physical strength and quickness of her hands in knitting, sewing etc. She also has incredibly high pain tolerance...I really don't know how she could have 'tahan' all those surgeries. I would have probably fainted before it even started...ha ha! When she was around, I felt safe with the notion that everything was ok...except maybe for that time she made me the scape goat when I was 6 years old. I held the stool while she climbed up the cupboard to get the chocolates. Then she stuffed banana peels inside so that the tin would still weigh about the same. Unfortunately, we ( and obviously mum) soon discovered that rotting food smelt really bad! Sisters go through thick and thin together...
Nicole ( Mui Mui):
She is 6 years my junior...mum claimes I was jealous of her when she stole my title of being the youngest. To be honest, I have absolutely no recollection of bearing such ill feelings towards her? Ha ha...but I do recall my previous terms of endearment for her: Di Di Zei (Little One), Yat Lup Zei (Small One), Frog fingers, Ma Lau Mein (Monkey Face)...and my favourite....YEEEEAAANNNN!!! But I have come to realise that underneath the exterior of a more quiet and timid personality, she is strong and steady inside. I appreciate her straight-forwardness, honesty and integrity (like dad)...qualities I highly esteemed. And I know I can count on her a sister.