Thursday, June 28, 2007

Moi Joyeux Anniversaire!

Some call it 'half-time' but I guess it depends on which sports or game you play? Ha ha.. it certainly sounds better than 'mid-life', which is often associated with 'crisis'. People say I'm an over-achiever.. a high 'C'.. Choleric or whatever.. but hey, I haven't even accomplished most of my resolutions.. except maybe for the song-writing actually, I don't think that was even listed? Ha ha ha...
But I do say at 37.. life has been pretty great so far! I'm now a much more matured, secured and independent woman, wife and mother of 2 fast-growing boys. Being my own boss and having full autonomy at work for the past 5 years has been rather fun in a 'roller-coaster' sort of way. However, I do occasionally (although others may beg to differ) have the urge to relive parts of my childhood.. hence the Lego shopping spree???
I have grown to value friends more than ever before and certainly, loyal ones are really difficult to come by.. a true gem.. the pearl in the oyster. So what if they often forget my birthday?? (It's still possible even in this day and age of mind-boggling technology). All I know is.. I can count on them in troubled times and when the crunch comes they will stand by me.. and vise-versa (of course)!!!
So I want to thank God for His countless blessings.. my husband for putting up with all my nonsense and idiosyncracies.. my family for letting me be me (you have no choice anyway.. ha ha!).. and my friends for accepting and grooming me up (although it felt more like 'hantam' at times) to be the woman I am today!
And the Oscar goes to...

Thursday, June 07, 2007

You Answered Me (Psalm 34)

Lord I've tasted and seen Your goodness
And I've taken refuge in Your strength
I've listened to Your voice and I rejoice
Lord I call Your Name and run to You
And I look to You for Salvation
So I praise You, Jesus You're my Saviour

You hear my prayers
And my desire
Is to worship You
Is to worship You

You answered me, delivered me
From all my fears and troubles
You have saved me from my tears
I'll never be ashamed
No, no, no, I'll never be ashamed

Boys Will be Boys?

The day of reckoning has finally come! I knew the boyish so-called friendly 'fights' would eventually cause serious harm one day. So true is an account of what happened on 7 June 2007:
Jared: Justin drank my Milo and he wanted to finish it. He got only a little bit of soya bean left.
Justin: NO...I never! I just drink a bit only! Then Jared kicked me in the stomach. So painful!
Jared: But Justin kick me here! (Pointing to his bleeding gum and loosened front tooth).
Justin: NO...I didn't. I only kick his leg. And his own leg hit his mouth lah!
Jared: (Crying) It's so painful!
Hence, this unfortunately incident warranted a trip to the dentist who pronounced that Jared didn't have any broken bones, and his tooth will probably blackened and eventually drop off by itself. I do hope they learnt a valuable lesson from this. They seemed to be on 'extremely' good terms since Jared came home from the dental visit and although both promised to behave from now on, deep down, I doubt that there won't be any repeat performances. Boys will be I've been told...Ha Ha...