Day 5: Sayonara Tokyo!
Last day in Japan! As the doors of the Odakyu Departmental Store opened promptly at 10am.. we were greeted by bows and choruses of 'Ohayo gozai maz!' from the staff who lined up along the aisle (English translation over the PA system: Good morning! Thank you for visiting our store at opening time). Maybe that's how new visitors feel when they visit Hope Church? Except that we shake hands instead of bowing.. Ha ha ha.. Oh yeah.. the very clean public toilets in Japan were definitely worth a mention too.. some even had the works.. bidets with temperature control.. toilet sheet covers.. infant seats.. disinfectants..

We decided to try out the traditional Japanese bath at the hotel.. Jimmy took the boys to the guys section while I went to the ladies. It was quite an interesting experience to share an open shower area.. a common bath.. with a choice of hot or cold water.. and the option of baking your fats off in the charcoal sauna. Call it different culture or upbringing.. but I couldn't quite bring myself to abandon the towel even though I was the only one there.. what if some stranger walks in??? Hmmm... Anyway, after some last minute eating (finally succumbed to McDonald's but at least we had Ebi Fillet Burger instead of the usual!) and shopping at the airport (Royce Chocolate).. we boarded the plane again and headed home.. tired but very happy campers!!!