Three Men & A Lady

I have 3 'men' in my life...
First and husband, aka Jimmy, Jim, James or Siong (take your pick), of 11+years (our wedding day was on 12 Feb 1995 which btw is NOT a good idea cos flowers are ridiculously expensive near Valentine's Day). We met in Melbourne during an OCF camp and travelled back in the same car. Funny scenario whereby Kenneth Liew and I talked 'over' him cos he was sitting in the middle. We somehow landed up leading the same Bible study group the following year...then one starry starry night...while driving me home...his car exhaust shot out a burst of flame and broke down in the middle of the road. We had to push the car to a nearby petrol station. Hmmm...some people may call that romantic but I certainly remember that it was very hard work too...ha ha!!!
Secondly...aka Justin, Wei pride and joy (Little Biki)...after 14 hours of labour, he finally decided to leave his comfortable home of 9 months to enter our world on 19 Dec 1997. He was most delightful expect for the nightmarish feeding problems...e.g. 3-6 hours to finish a bottle of milk, 1 spoon of porridge with ice-cream or gummy bear sweet, not to mention all the pots, pans, bottles, tupperware, keys, wallet, toys etc. used to distract him (so that he would open his mouth). He also freaked out when presented with water balloons, tennis balls and people dressed-up in clown and animal suits. I have since diagnosed him with sensory and oral defensiveness, but am very glad to say he has improved. He is skilled at drawing, playing X-Box games, 'chi-ko-pak' and enjoys chess and swimming.
Thirdly...aka Jared, Wei precious cutie pie (Smelly Pots)! We prayed especially hard during pregnancy cos the results of my triple antigen blood test were slightly below the normal levels. Decided against amniocentesis since we were going keep the baby no matter what happened anyway. Thank God everything turned out fine on 27 June 2001! Jared was quite the opposite of Justin when it came to food...he was a milk-guzzler and still is a 'chicken-king'. However, he had his moments too...went absolutely berserk at the fire-works display during NDP even though we viewed from afar, at a friend's HDB flat. Current craze includes Cars (in descending order of preference: King, Lightning McQueen, Ramone, Luigi, Mater, Sally etc...and lastly Chick), Hot Wheels, X-Box (some car racing game), Thomas Train and drawing cars and trains...and more cars!
P.S. My favourite will always be Lego...long live Lego...Lego forever!!!