Friday, July 21, 2006

Dear Dad...(Part 2)

After a long period of pen-man-ship silence, I decided to write my dear old dad a letter (the last being in 1992), about 4 pages long and with lots of spacing in between, on the day of his surgery. My mum said he read it...BUT I'm still waiting for a response...which I think will not be forth-coming in this life-time???

I thanked him for a wonderful childhood...although he wasn't always physically around, he provided the stability, assurance, safety for his family (like the time we were stranded on a fishing boat at Pulau Pangkor in pitch darkness). I never doubted his assistance IF I should ever need it. Here are some of the lessons learnt...both the easy and hard ways...

There was a period of time when my dad had to travel frequently. We would rarely hear from him since mobile phones and emails were non- existent then. One evening before he left for the airport, I said to him, "Dad, why don't you write to us like other dads do? Send us a postcard or something". So, a few days later, the postman delivered 3 postcards! We were terribly excited...we saw the palm trees, sunset and glowing beaches on the front...and when we turned them around...we read the following:

Dear Lu Lu, (blank) Love, Dad
Dear Lu Meng, (blank) Love, Dad
Dear Lu Sean, (blank) Love, Dad

We didn't know whether to laugh or cry...but as you probably guessed it, he never sent anymore postcards after that incident!

My dad is and always has been a very practical man. I recalled grumbling about our 'old junk' (i.e. the family car) because I was embarrassed that my friends should see me in it. I was going through the tough adolescent period, where being cool, status, looks, reputation etc. were important (mind you...there are people who never move beyond this stage..ha ha!). My dad pulled me aside and asked me 2 very important questions:
1) What is a car used for? Is it not to get from point A to point B?
2) Does our car still serve that purpose?
Not fair! He resorted to rhetorical questions! Anyway, he did eventually buy a new car...but only after many, many moons. By the way, the Volvo was the sturdiest car we ever mum drove it into the front gate...the car survived without a scratch but the gate was left in a sorry state.

My dad does not give preferential treatment to anyone, regardless of whether they are VIPs, relatives, friends, taxi drivers or mahjong kakis. He behaves relatively the same way with everyone...with honesty and integrity...although he may be almost too blunt at times. People would probably call that being socially-challenged, but what I admire most is that my dad did not succumb to the pressures of 'carrying-big-leg' or 'giving-face' to advance his career. It reflects a man who is truly secured of himself and contented.

So when will someone like my dad see the need for Jesus in his life? I remember prayering ernestly to God in 1991 for his salvation. And nothing happened until 1997 when the stock market came crashing down. He lost a lot of money, although not everything, and was on the verge of serious depression. He couldn't sleep or eat well and was constantly pacing around muttering to himself...'I'm so stupid'...'Why didn't I sell?' etc. The only peace he got was when my mum or sister read the Bible to him (esp. Psalms) and he would doze off! Now, he finally had 'time' for God. Then a year later in 1998, he accepted Christ into his life...not only once, but 3 times! First was at home (Calvary Church came door-knocking), second in church (Hope Singapore) by raising his hand and third by going up to the altar (Hope KL). God's ways (and humour) are indeed higher than ours!

P.S. Found out from my sister that Dad keeps the letter in his briefcase...WOW! That's indeed an honour cos only the most important documents end up there!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Dear Dad...(Part 1)

My dad is a man of few words. Our current communication can basically be summarised as follows:
90% of telepathic connection via the tv channels
5% of grunts of yes, no, hmmm, ah, see how and maybe
5% of deep, meaningful conversations about grandchildren, politics, wars, sports, books, movies and of course, the weather

I clearly remember those long minutes of silence, where you can hear the clock ticking, as my dad pondered on whether to grant me permission or give his blessing (e.g. for camps, holidays, overseas studies, car, house, business start- up).

In August 2005, my dad went for major surgery because of bowel obstruction. He was in pain for more than 3 months before the doctors finally found the root cause. But I was reluctant to give the green light. He was already 71 years old then, with hypertension, kidney problems and a long history of smoking. I wasn't sure if he would make it. However, God provided His assurance...the surgeon was an expert in this field, who came back to KL after 20+ years of practising in UK, the church pastor and friends rallied around my dad, I prayed with him for the very 1st time! It was kinda weird...but yet feels warm and fuzzy's difficult to describe, my mum ended up making friends with almost all the neighbouring patients and their families, which can be considered a very special gifting and skill indeed! And lastly, I wrote a long letter to my dad...(part 2)

Needless to say, my dad (and mum..cos she had to serve him hand and foot) survived the ordeal and is back on his regular diet of nasi lemak, you tiow and char kuey teow, much to my mum's chagrin! His philosphy being...what's the point of living if you can't eat food that you like? Ha ha...he's got a point there although I'm sure there are other more important reasons too. God causes all things work out for good to those who love the Lord...Let all creation praise Him!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Is That The Baby or Bath Water?

I used to think the Old Testament was outdated and irrelevant to today's modern society. Mind you, there were many strange practices in those days e.g. The Test for an Unfaithful Wife (Num 5:11-31). So the Chinese weren't that 'far off' with their cure for mumps i.e. writing the word 'Tiger' on paper, burning it and drinking the ashes with water! Ha ha...may be some Biblical basis for it???

So which commands do we follow and which ones don't apply anymore? Or do we only look at the 'principle' behind them and not take at face value? Some are easy to discern and discipher, but there are certainly others which boggles the mind and makes you wonder why God gave them at all in the first place??!! e.g. Lev 19:27

Let's pray and ask for the Holy Spirit to open the eyes of our hearts, His wisdom to understand the truth and most importantly, His grace and strength to OBEY the Word! The Ten Commandments is a good place to start...I once had a teacher who used to drill and grill us on this...Leaving you with Exo 20...Thou shalt have no other gods before me...

Friday, July 14, 2006

The Accidental Worship Leader

People ask me how I became a worship leader? After almost 2 decades, I can look back and see God's hand in choosing, moulding and appointing me for this role, often without even me realising it! Here's a walk down memory lane...

1983: Became a Christian...said the sinner's prayer at Bible camp in December after watching a movie about Second Coming of Jesus entitled 'Thief in the Night'. Didn't want to be left behind...scary!

1984: Tried to join the church choir...only attended 2 sessions and didn't get called back. Guess they weren't impressed or interested in what I had to offer?

1985-86: Nothing much happened....busy with major exams and recovering from rejection??!!

1987: Song co-leading (that's what it's called back in those days!) with my friend Joanna at the secondary school's Christian Union (CU) Fellowship in KL.

1989: Mucking around the piano and was asked to stand in front of 1000+people and teach a song at the Douloi Student Conference. Who? Me? Needless to say I chickened-out.

1990: Song co-leading at Overseas Christian Fellowship (OCF) in Melbourne. Led only 2 'fast' songs with fear and trembling. Nobody knew those songs from CU Fellowship so ended up like a solo performance..*aarrggghh*. Given feedback that I was too tensed and had to loosen up!

1991: Became song leader at OCF...still nervous, uptight and not baptised in the Spirit yet. Also played 2nd keyboard and picked up drums!

1992: Breakthrough in personal worship and received gift of tongues. Led a dynamic session in OCF/church...almost shed tears singing those minor key songs.

1993: Came to Hope Singapore in Jan...led worship in West care-group and forced to play guitar knowing only 4 chords (G Em C D). Fortunately, there were many songs with those chords back then...Phew!

1994: Went to Hope Bangkok...truly inspired by Ps. Prayuth who led worship during the meetings...especially touched by the song 'Glory to the Lamb'. Prayed and asked God for more anointing.

1995: Experienced new revelation and deeper intimacy with God during worship. Shed first tears on stage...was really embarrassed when it happened. Suzanne saw a vision of me leading thousands of people in worship at a stadium (the church was about 400+ people then). Oh yeah, got married to Jimmy too.

1997-98: Blessed with Justin (Sabbathical of almost 2 years).

1999: Returned to support sing and worship lead. The church was really 'into' Hillsongs and I had to struggle to learn many new, very wordy, fast songs. Hosanna Integrity was shelved for quite a few years.

2001-02: Blessed with Jared (Sabbathical of 1.5 years).

2002: Resumed role as support singer and worship leader with new zeal and fire! And a new team...

2006: Prophetic Worship...God's Spirit is already moving in a spectacular way through all the nations and churches. Let's hop on and ride with His wind under our wings...

The Yellow Ball Syndrome (YBS)

My workplace has a pool filled with hundreds of multicoloured balls. One day, after discovering that one of the yellow balls had a hole in it, I set it aside for the usual 'repair' job (i.e. superglue and tape). However, when I came back for it, horror of horrors, it was missing! Believing that it got thrown back into the pool, I proceeded to pick out all the YELLOW balls one-by-one and put them into a basket. I know, I know, you're thinking I'm nuts right? That was my colleague's exact sentiments, calling it micro-management of the highest degree!

Admittedly, I do have an obsessive compulsive streak in me (a not-so desirable inherited trait from my dad's side of the family). But that aside, what personal revelation emerged from this incident?

1. I like reparing broken stuff instead of throwing them out

2. I think about 100 other things while rumaging through the ballpool (so it's really not a waste of time)

3. I get a great sense of satisfaction in finding lost/missing items (which accounts for the reason I like jigsaw puzzles)

This also brings to mind the parables of the lost sheep, lost coin and prodigal son. How the shepherd left the 99 to look for the one that was lost! I think Jesus knows all about repairing stuff too. He was a carpenter after all? And His specialty is in mending heart, over-hauling souls and renewing spirits (not some glue and tape job..thank God!).

P.S. I did find that yellow ball and fixed it!

Of Virus and Antibiotics

Ever been sick BUT not sick enough for MC? *Sigh* It's the 'ickiest' feeling of them all and probably one of the worse situation to be in..hanging in limbo..neither here nor there..can't rest or focus on work either. How often is this truth reflected in the journey through life? That listless feeling of wandering around and going nowhere?

The tendency, I guess, is to go for the quick fix (e.g. talking to friends, shopping, go for holidays, change jobs etc.), which can provide immediate, but unfortunately, not permanent therapeutic effect. The parallel illustration, I suppose, is like trying to get rid of a virus using antibiotics. No matter how large a dose you take, the virus remains! The only way to win this battle is for our God-given antibodies to face and fight the infection.

Sometimes God allows us to go through really tough conditions and dry spells to prepare us for what's ahead. He wants to train us to recognise the problem, build up natural immunity and learn to be more resilient towards such attacks from the enemy in time to come. So let's remind ourselves to put on the full 'immunity' of God, and trust in the healing power of His Word through the Holy Spirit. May God be merciful and shorten the days of our sufferings! I will trust in His manifold wisdom and faithfulness always! Amen...

The Mundane Role of Levites? Or Not?

Have you ever considered what it means to be a Levite in the Old Testament? Earlier, I'd imagined them playing harps, flutes, cymbals and lyres, and singing songs of praise and worship before the Lord all day long in that wonderful temple. How marvellous and glorious is must have awesome...etc etc etc. But here's the reality check folks!

After plowing and plodding through the book of Leviticus, honestly, I think it was actually a gory scene (worse than a wet market) with all the sight, sound and smell of animal sacrifices...bleatings of terrified lambs, burning flesh, blood everywhere...need I elaborate further? And get this...they had to perform these rituals EVERY DAY *sacre bleu*! I bet the guy who got the longest straw chose to be Guardian of the lampstand or incense burner! I guess being a Fire-keeper for grain offerings is not that bad too? But the High priest... man!...I sure don't envy his job! I mean how much creativity does it require to sacrifice a bull, ram, goat or dove (which probably didn't have much blood since they wring the neck)? So what was 'in it' for these priests who served so faithfully day-in and day-out before the Lord?

'A day in the House of the Lord is better than ten thousand elsewhere'...this is the most likely reason why these guys didn't go berserk with boredom doing what they have to after day, week after week, month after month, year after year...In fact, I believe they longed for the presence of God and being just 'near' the throne room was enough! It's kinda like falling in love... just catching a glimpse of that special someone from afar brings joy and hope. But today, what a privileged lot we are! (although many don't fully appreciate this). Through the blood and sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross we are now able to enter the Holy of Holies without getting zapped by God's wrath.

Therefore, I will endeavour to serve the Lord with renewed zeal and fervour. No task is too mundane or difficult if it's truly what the Lord desires. And this blog will serve as a reminder to myself and others...till it becomes obsolete...(Selah)