Sunday, March 23, 2008
Our old TV remained busted despite several attempts to revive it! Sorry to say that we're folks who simply can't survive without the 'rectangle' box.. ONE day was already quite agonising!! So, at long last, we have a good enough reason to buy a LCD TV.. after resisting the temptation for the past 6 months. Along with the new 40inch panel.. Samsung also threw in freebies.. like a 19inch LCD TV and a DVD player.. whoopee!!!
And just prior to this incident, our old classical guitar's 'D' string broke. But when I tried to buy a replacement string.. the shop was out of stock..*haiz*.. So, I ended up buying a brand new acoustic guitar (Yamaha) that was on sale.. Talk about visual distraction.. oh maannn!!!
I really, really dread this month's credit card bill.. :0( ha ha ha!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Rock Of Salvation...

You will save me and embrace me
When the darkness seems to overwhelm
You will shine Your light upon me
And cast the shadows of every doubt away
Jesus You are the Rock of my salvation
Jesus You are my firm foundation
In You there is no condemnation
And this is why I'll never be afraid
On the Cross You sacrificed Your
Precious blood to wash away my sins
Your forgiveness poured out on me
Released my guilt and now I've been set free
I'd Rather Have Jesus...

I'd rather be His than have riches untold
I'd rather have Jesus than houses or lands
I'd rather be led by His nail-pierced hands
Than to be a king of a vast domain
And be held in sin and shame
I'd rather have Jesus than anything
This world affords today
I'd rather have Jesus than people's applause
I'd rather be faithful to His own cause
I'd rather have Jesus than world-wide fame
I'd rather be true to His Holy Name
Friday, March 21, 2008
Wedding Singer..Again..
So..after more than 5 years.. I'm finally singing at somebody's wedding again! Ha ha.. I guess it's a much happier occasion than singing at funerals..DUH.. which, I'm afraid, had been the case for the past few years :0( Had a committee meeting 2 weeks ago.. well-planned with all the details in place.. Hmmm..I have this funny feeling that Chris doesn't put in quite the same effort in song preparation for Sunday?! And I wonder why? Ha ha ha..just kidding!
Hope I don't blunder it up for Chris and Pris.. may they have a joyous wedding and a blessed marriage ahead.. Here's a toast to the happy couple in PINK.. YAAAMMMM SEENNNGGGG!!!!
(P.S. Photos are the courtesy of an armed and dangerous, trigger-happy guy..called 'Tiger'.. so BEWARE!)
Outward Bound Retreat...

We had a Family District Leaders' Retreat at Outward Bound, East Coast Park today (thanks to Michael Foo).. but alas! we did none of the much anticipated dangerous physical challenges.. like kayaking, bungee jumping or abseiling.. much to my disappointment..*haiz*..ha ha ha!!! Wan Leng split us up into two teams A and B (such exciting names?).. and we landed in team B (total of 12 people). I started on the wrong foot.. er.. by helping the other team strategise the first task.. very blur man...

The final goal was to purchase the material required to build a free-standing 'missile' launcher (i.e. throw a water bomb at team A without using any hands or parts of the human body). Firstly, we had to think of a feasible design for the launcher (fortunately, we had engineers, computer scientists, financiers, teachers and an occupational therapist in our midst). Next, we had get enough money to buy the stuff we needed by completing various tasks. So, we decided on the following:
1: Sing at least 5 songs from the '80s in 2 minutes:
We managed to scramble up some songs.. Greatest love of all.. That's what friends are for.. Eternal flame.. Shoulder to cry on.. and Tarzan Boy! But mostly in bits and pieces (i.e. parts of stanza or chorus only).. quite a rousing ending indeed!
2. Juggling:
Using only 1 hand, we had to toss a ball to 3 different people.. sounds easy? okay lah.. it wasn't that hard but we had to throw simultaneously and if any ball dropped on the ground.. we had to start from zero...
3. Passing the moon ball:
This was by far the most time-consuming challenge.. passing a large 65cm beach ball.. 30 consecutive times to 4 different bases (in a square-fashion).. 3 people at each base with 1 leg placed in a hoop.. no holding the ball.. no stepping out of hoop.. very frustrating but we didn't give up and made it in the end!
4. Human knot:
The most confusing task.. we randomly clasped hands with the person standing opposite us.. and then tried to un-knot ourselves without letting go of the hands. Quite a fair bit of moaning and groaning.. carefully stepping over.. going under (er..arm-pits).. twisting and untwisting of the body..ha ha! We should have video-ed this...
5. Skipping rope:
A super long rope.. with 2 people holding the ends and the rest jumping 6 consecutive times in the middle.. TOGETHER! Must have been a funny sight to behold..
6. Traffic jam:
The aim was to move everyone from one side to the other.. in a V-formation. And we were only allowed to move forwards and not step back. Complex task but if you know the formula.. then no sweat lah! Something like 2 steps forward on this side and 1 step on the other side???
And so, by then end all that.. we accumulated 19,000 points.. which was enough to buy these items: (Hmmm.. I think this can be sung to following tune: On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me..)
- 1 trash bag (to weigh down the hoops)
- 1 masking tape (to tie up all the loose ends)
- 1 bungee cord (to spring the surprise)
- 1 ball of string (to tie down the launcher before cutting it to release the 'missile')
- 3 hula hoops (for the base..which admittedly wasn't as good as team A's design)
- 4 wooden rods (to make the tripod)
However, despite the short-comings of our launcher's base, we managed to achieve a maximum distance of 8m.. just 1m short of hitting the other team!!! Ha ha ha.. cos we're supposed to be nice people right? It was a fun day.. and oh.. not forgetting the good food too! :0)
Sunday, March 16, 2008
The Time Has Come...

And of cos.. being able to sing 'Let All The Nations' in the main services.. I must say.. is quite satisfying...for now..:0) Praying and asking God for more anointing and gifting...
Monday, March 10, 2008
I Will Magnify...

The Name of Jesus, the Name of Jesus
I will raise my hands, I will lift on high
The Name of Jesus, the Name of Jesus
Every knee shall bow
Every tongue confess
That You are Lord, that You are God
Every eye shall see
Every heart will know
That You are Lord, that You are God
Every mind assured
Every voice proclaim
That You are Lord, that You are God
Everyone adore
Every soul believe
That You are Lord, that You are God
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Basic Doctrine 103..(on fallen angels)

D: Who is Nathan? Whose son is that?
J: I mean..did God make Nathan?
D: Er..well..yes, God made everything..and everyone...
J: Then why did God make Nathan evil?
D: mean Satan!!!
J: (Looking a little embarrassed and sheepish)..Oh..yeah...
D: Satan chose to be evil
J: Huh? Why???
D: He wanted to be greater than God
J: Huh? Why???
(Well folks..if you can explain this one clearly to a 6 years old..let me know ok? We will definitely recruit you for Hope Kids!)
Basic Doctrine 102..(on clothing & riches)

D: Huh? What ropes?
J: Cos mummy said Jesus will give us 'ropes'of righteousness
D: (Laughs)..that's ROBES of righteousness..not 'ropes''s spelt with a 'B'
J: Oh..oops..ok!
J: Justin, next time when we go heaven we will be very rich..cos the streets are made of gold leh!!!
B: Yeah, I know...
J: Then we can just dig them up and sell them when we need money hor?
B: But we don't need to buy anything in heaven what???
(Both boys laughed hysterically..obviously something THEY thought was funny? Hmmm...)
Basic Doctrine 101..(on heavenly food & directions)
J: Mummy, is there food in heaven?
M: Yes, I think so...
J: What kind of food?
M: Hmmm...fruits and vegetables?
J: AHHHH??? You mean there is NO chicken nuggets?
M: Ha ha ha..I don't think there's McDonald's in heaven
J: Will Jesus cook for us?
M: Er...I think he will just make the food appear
J: You mean like magic?
M: Yeah...kinda
J: Will Jesus scold us if we don't finish our food?
M: Ha ha don't think so. Jesus is not like mummy...
J: (Very much relieved)..Oh..that's good!
J: Mummy, when we die how do we get to heaven?
M: Jesus will send His angels to take us there
J: How long does that take?
M: I don't know baby..I haven't been there before
J: neither...
Change My Heart...

I will praise Your Name
And as I live day by day
I rely on Your Word
To see me through
And when I close my eyes
I can see Your face
I know You're here
You're right by my side
Change my heart O Lord
I'm standing here
I give my life to You
Come take Your place
Hear my cry O God
When I pray to Your
I fall down on my knees
To worship You
To worship You
I will tell of Your wonders
I will speak of Your grace
How You saved my soul
And deep in my heart
In this treasured place
My Saviour reigns
Waiting On You...

You still my mind
You rest my soul
You turn my sorrows into joy
You answer my prayers
You lift me up
You speak Your love right into my heart
And You calm the storms in me
I'm waiting on You Lord
I'm waiting on You
Till the morning breaks
I'm waiting on You
I thirst for the truth
I hunger for more
Your breath of life has set me free
I hear Your voice
Your whispers of love
Your gentle touch has soften my heart
And You give strength to me
You lead my soul
To the river of life
You water my spirit
With Your presence
You rest my soul
You turn my sorrows into joy
You answer my prayers
You lift me up
You speak Your love right into my heart
And You calm the storms in me
I'm waiting on You Lord
I'm waiting on You
Till the morning breaks
I'm waiting on You
I thirst for the truth
I hunger for more
Your breath of life has set me free
I hear Your voice
Your whispers of love
Your gentle touch has soften my heart
And You give strength to me
You lead my soul
To the river of life
You water my spirit
With Your presence
Monday, March 03, 2008
Conversion Story...

However, it was only at a 1983 Christian Union Camp when I realised that..not only was Jesus coming back a second time..but I just might get 'left behind' when the rapture happens. Now, that was quite a rude awakening for a 13 year old. So, that was when I said a prayer..asking God to come into my life and be my Saviour. And just in case that wasn't specific enough..I asked Jesus to take me to heaven with matter which came first (rapture or second coming)..I ain't gonna wait around and see what happens..ha ha ha!
But I was only serious with God much later..when I was living and studying in Melbourne. He gave me more insight, wisdom and understanding of the Bible..and I experienced a deeper faith, love and trust for Him. During that period of time, I also discovered and developed real friendships in church..(and eventually married one of those 'friends'). So right now, I can say with utmost conviction..that I have absolutely NO regrets saying that prayer some 25 years ago!!!